INDEX Feipo, 287 Female form, in art, 142, 274, 293 in Chinese art, 143 worship of, 294 Female Triad, 186-193 Femininity, of Chinese mind, 76-80, 231 Fen (duty), 169 Fengchieh, 258, 259 Feng, Hsiaoch'iag, 152 Fengshenpang, 257 Fengyang, 18 Feng Yiihsiang, iS "Ferry of the Jealous Woman," 136 Festivals* 164 Feudalism, 107, 331 "Fighting-snakes0 style, 277 Filial piety, 171 Finesse, 305 Finnish literature, translations, 266 Fire, 87 Five Classics, 216 Five Elements, 87, 116 Five human relationships, 170, 172, I77» 185 Hexner, Abraham, 82 Floods, 301 relief, 65 Folklore, 252, 261 Folksongs, 65 Food, 307, 317-326 American, 320 English, 319 French, 319 German, 320 in literature, 319, 320 Western, 323 Footbinding, 158-161 condemned, 160 missionary influence, 162 prohibited, 160 Foreign concessions, 66, 70 correspondents, 224 domination, 341 isms, 341 settlements, 70 Four-six style, 219 "Four virtues/' 134 Fousheng Liucki, 312 Foyin, nS Framework, 297 France, 57 food, 319 literature, translations, 266 Freud, 105 Friendship, 307 Frugality, 41 , 219 Ftskien, 179 Southern, 137, 15$, 332 Funerals, 65, it$ 353 *, Chinese, i6| Garden-home, 311 Gardem, 305, 307 310-3:7 Geniality, 3:, 3, 30^ Gentry clks^, 1*3., 1^5 Geomancy, atsthetxcsTcf, 301, 302 Germanic language, 206 Germany, 57 food, 320 Germany, literature* translations, 266, 267 Ghosts, female* 90 Gilbert, Rodney, n Giles, Prof, H/A., 90 GmsenSi 317 Gold, £7 Gotd~Va$t~P*um, 106, 157, 203, 25 % 260, 263 "Golden lilies/5 159 Golden Mean, &6,~953 103-109, 120. ^ Goodwill tax, -2^5 Government, 129, 367, iSi, 195 by face, 193 by face, fate and favour, 342 by gentlemen, 108, 174, 188, 196-202 by law, 107, 193, 196, 197, 342 corruption, 172-180, 186, 193, 331. 34« laissft jaire, 211 modern, 333 Old China, 333 personal, loS, iS6, 196 village system, 193-10 Graft, 173 Grammar, Chinese, 77 Graneries, 193 Grand Canal, 27 Gratitude, 167* iS6 Great Affirmation, no Great Executioner, 341 Great Lewning* 40 Great Negation, 1 10 Great Wall, 27, roS, 252 Greek influence, in Art, 294 Greek literature, translations, 266 "Green forests/' 261 Growth and Structure of English, 77 Guilds, 167. 193, 340 Hair, 14 Hall of Longevity, 253 Han Dv^ianafTB- *